Seborrheic Dermatitis is a prevalent skin disorder characterized by red, scaly, itchy and flaky skin primarily on the scalp, although it can also impact other oil-rich areas of the body such as the face, chest and back. It's a long-term condition, and the exact trigger is unknown, but it's thought to be linked to a yeast named Malassezia that resides on the skin or an inflammatory reaction related to the oil-rich skin. The symptoms can vary in intensity and may even vanish and subsequently recur. The condition generally isn't harmful, but it can be distressing and may lead to self-awareness or embarrassment.
While there is no absolute cure for seborrheic dermatitis, our dermatologists in Chapel Hill, North Carolina can provide a management plan to control and alleviate the symptoms. Regular check-ups can help track the progress and efficiency of treatments, which may include topical antifungals, corticosteroid creams, lotions or shampoos. Lifestyle modifications like stress reduction and a thorough skincare regime can also assist in managing outbreaks. The medical team at Chapel Hill Dermatology can provide specific advice tailored to your skin type and condition severity, thereby enhancing your quality of life and helping you to feel more at ease and confident in your skin.
How is it treated?
Identifying the source of skin irritation or swelling is essential for effective management. To alleviate swelling and discomfort, consider applying a cool, damp cloth to the affected area. If the rash persists, don't hesitate to reach out to schedule an appointment. Our team offers various in-office treatment options, including topical corticosteroid creams or, in severe cases, corticosteroid oral medications, to tailor tretaments to your specific skin care needs.