Psoriasis is an immune-mediated skin condition that results in rapid skin cell proliferation, leading to skin inflammation. It's not a communicable disease and cannot transmit from one person to another. Typically, individuals with psoriasis have inflamed skin patches coated with dense, white-silver scales. These patches frequently cause itchiness, a sensation of burning and discomfort. The skin around these patches often feels parched, and at times, the skin may crack and bleed. Stiffness and swelling in joints are also prevalent.
Symptoms can fluctuate and go through phases that can endure for a few days to several weeks. Psoriasis is generally a chronic condition. Our experienced team Chapel Hill Dermatolgoy provide effective treatment for psoriasis across all skin tones in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
How is it treated?
Even though there's no recognized cure, our team can assist in managing your psoriasis through topical treatments, including corticosteroids and oral retinoids, to help keep symptoms in check. We might also suggest remedies such as salicylic acid, coal tar, retinoids and even simple solutions like aloe vera. In certain instances, we may propose and implement light/phototherapy to alleviate symptoms. For particularly intense cases, we are capable of prescribing oral or injectable medications that help in repressing your immune system.