The color of moles can differ from your natural skin color, varying from pink, brown to black. They frequently emerge during adolescence and teenage years and can be either flat or protruding from the skin surface. It's typical for 10 to 40 moles to present on your skin by adulthood. Some develop slowly, and some may gradually fade or vanish over time.
Although most moles are benign, if you have any spots that worry you, schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified dermatologists at Chapel Hill Dermatology for a comprehensive check-up. We may recommend mole removal if needed. Mole removal is a process that involves one of our experienced dermatologists shaving or excising the mole from your skin. Some individuals may desire mole removal for aesthetic purposes, such as facial moles.
What to expect
These are quick outpatient procedures, allowing you to drive home and resume your daily activities right after the appointment. When considering mole removal, it's important to avoid DIY methods as they can cause damage. Always seek the expertise of a board-certified dermatologist.
We begin by cleaning the area that needs removal and then numb it with either a topical or injectable anesthetic. There are two primary methods for mole removal: surgical excision, which uses a scalpel to remove the mole from the skin, and shave excision, which involves using a razor to shave the growth off. Our board-certified dermatologists will help you determine the most appropriate technique for your situation.
After removing the mole, the area will be properly treated and covered. You will receive detailed instructions for at-home care, which typically includes keeping the area clean and protected. The healing process generally takes up to three weeks.
To consult with one of our board-certified dermatologists for mole removal, please contact us to schedule an appointment in Chapel Hill.
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