What is it?
Crow's feet, sometimes referred to as laughter lines, are a natural part of the aging process. These small wrinkles appear at the outer edges of the eyes and result from years of facial expressions, including smiling, frowning or squinting. They are often among the first visible signs of aging on the face. Factors like sun exposure, smoking, skin type and the lack of a regular skincare routine can accelerate this natural development. Although crow's feet are a common aspect of aging, some people may feel that these wrinkles make them appear older than they are.
How is it treated?
Our team of board-certified dermatologists offers a variety of treatments to minimize the appearance of crow's feet. Based on your specific concerns and desired results, our experienced team of skin care experts may recommend options such as Botox injections, which temporarily relax the muscles around the eyes to reduce the visibility of lines, or treatments like chemical peels and topical retinoids that support collagen production. To find the most suitable treatment for you, schedule an appointment at our Chapel Hill Dermatology office.