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Clarkston Dermatology Logo, Official Home Page, Dermatologist in Clarkston and Oxford (Oxford Township), Michigan
Clarkston Dermatology Logo, Official Home Page, Dermatologist in Clarkston and Oxford (Oxford Township), Michigan


Our office hours are 8:15 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Office visits are by appointment only. When you call to make an appointment, please help us schedule adequate time to address your needs by telling the receptionist the reason for your visit. New patients should arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment to allow time to complete the necessary registration forms.

We make every effort to run on schedule and understand that your time is valuable, too.

Please notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you are unable to keep your appointment. This permits us to accommodate patients who may call last minute needing to be seen.


During regular office hours, our staff is availble to help you handle any dermatology problems that you have. After regular office hours, if you call our office 919-9423106, you will be given the contact number for the doctor on call. If you have a true medical emergency that cannot wait, go to the nearest emergency room or dial 911.


Prescription refill requests require your dermatologist to review the request before any prescription can be authorized. If you call for a refill, please have your pharmacy phone number and prescription information available to give us.

Please allow 24 hours for your request to be processed. We will usually call you to let you know if your refill request has been approved.

Prescriptions will not be refilled if you have not been seen by one of our providers in over a year.


Please bring your insurance card(s) with you to each appointment. We will file your insurance for any insurance plan in which we are a participating provider, but payment is the direct responsibility of each patient. Please remember that your insurance coverage is a contract between your insurance company and you. We do not determine the specifics of your benefits. All deductibles and co-payments are the patient’s financial responsibility.


We are participating providers for most managed care programs in the Triangle. If your insurance company requires you to have an authorization from your primary care provider prior to seeing a specialist, please bring your authorization paperwork with you to your visit.


As Medicare providers, we will file your claim for you, and accept payment directly from Medicare. You will be financially responsible for any unmet deductible, as well as for any portion of your charges that are not covered by your secondary insurance.


Cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance. If you request a cosmetic procedure as part of your office visit, you will be asked to pay for these services at the end of your visit.

CLARKSTON DERMATOLOGY MAIN OFFICE 5701 Bow Point Dr. Suites 215 & 217 Clarkston, MI 48346 (248) 620-3376
* Individual Results May Vary